When The Intentions Of Others Are Not Good, What Can You Do As A Christian?

If you have ever had to be on the receiving end of snarky remarks and passive-aggressive behaviors, you know how hurtful and discouraging it can be. Whatever you do, don’t believe for one minute that it comes from a place of love, or that the person means well. The person more than likely doesn’t mean well and is intentional about trying to tear you down with not-so-subtle jabs.

These people make you feel like your opinion doesn’t matter, that they are all-knowing and wise, you must live your life to please them. They are critical about your life choices on parenting, work, study, friendships, and so on, you’ll never do anything right, according to them. This type of bullying can quickly be done by those closest to you, who gas-light you by trying to convince you that they only have good intentions as if it’s just a loving concern for your life.

They do not have good intentions, acknowledge this negativity towards you for what it is; it’s a way for the person to get in your head and control you, it’s emotional abuse – the bible warns us about the hearts of men…

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

Luke 6:45 speaks of what is truly in the heart of sinful man…

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

This type of negativity is a sin. Don’t make excuses for the person, and whatever you do, do not take ownership of it. Leave the toxicity where it belongs – squarely with the wrongdoer and lean into the Lord. He will take care of the situation if you put your trust in him.

Do not retaliate, if standing up for yourself is not an option, keep your distance and spend time with God, He will renew your strength and…

 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”(Romans12:21)

Pray for them, and pray for yourself that you do not turn out like them.

Remember that snarks and childish, passive-aggressive behavior has no place in God’s kingdom. Godly people encourage others and build them up.